Three days ago, when I got home from work, my husband said, "I think there is a sewing machine on the street a few blocks over. What do you think, should we go get it?" Surely not anything any good, but we went and got it - machine and the cabinet, too. The cabinet legs were wobbly (solved be a few turns of the wingnuts) and the machine looked grimy and dusty. Took cabinet legs off to take home. Of course no one would leave a good sewing machine on the street with chair a...nd couch, right?? Got it home-cleaned it up and plugged it in, the light came on!! Yeah! The needle moved! Yeah!! Wait, that was a steady quiet hum, no hurky -jerky noises. Then I got a material scrap and looked up how to thread it (have not had a top load bobbin before) and let her go-- it did not miss a stitich!!! Wow-- what a find. Was able to google an instruction booklet online. A girl can always use another Sewing machine, right?? I have the best hubby. Now to find a place for it..
The cabinet